Courthouse HOV Lane Reserved For Lawyers
An HOV lane makes a lot of sense on the Interstate, but not in a courthouse dedicated to justice for all. It’s good to encourage carpools, right? Foisting traffic jams on one-passenger cars is good...
View ArticleA Civil Gideon For New York City’s Housing Court
The legal profession has worked for decades to create an indigent right to counsel in certain civil cases — what they call a “civil Gideon.” Clarence Earl Gideon, 1961 This would ensure that everyone...
View ArticleCalifornia Courts Say Access To Justice Requires Access To A Court Reporter
Courtroom5's pleas to always take a court reporter to court have found major support in the judiciary. The California Supreme Court recently provided a much needed shot in the arm to indigent and...
View ArticleWhy Can’t The Legal Profession Deliver Access To Justice?
To be fair, some lawyers are doing good work to deliver access to justice for all. But the profession as a whole is not. That's not surprising when you consider the first duty of a lawyer is to fight...
View ArticleMotion For Justice By Brian Vukadinovich In Bookstores Now
The long-awaited first book from Brian Vukadinovich -- Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case -- is now available at fine bookstores everywhere. It chronicles his long fight with the U.S. justice system...
View ArticleLetting Your Opposing Counsel Know It’s The Other Way
Lawyers opposing pro se litigants want it to be one way, but sometimes it's the other way. Few things warm our hearts more than seeing pro se litigants handle bullying tactics from opposing counsel. A...
View ArticleBig Judicial Salaries, Low Workloads, And The Pro Se Litigant
Some might say hefty court fees and high judicial salaries are necessary to the smooth running of the courts. That explanation might be supportable if pro se litigants actually got the justice they pay...
View Article10 Reasons To Represent Yourself In Court
Three of five people in civil cases are there without a lawyer. Do they all want to be there alone? No, but most have no choice. There are though many good reasons to represent yourself in court. Below...
View ArticleBest Blog Posts For Pro Se Litigants — The 2019 Edition
In previous years, we balanced our blog with posts about legal news, access to justice issues, civil procedure, and how to. In 2019, we posted more hard hitting how-to, legal strategy, and civil...
View ArticleThe Crackheads and Extortionists Who Sell State Laws
Imagine you’ve been sued for foreclosure, failure to pay a debt, or eviction. Or you must sue for custody of your children or grandchildren. You’re in danger of losing important things. You can’t...
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